Ayurveda Body Massage Therapies
Marma-Point Massage, Panda Swede Hot Herbal Compress Massage and Detox Body Scrub
Marma-Point Massage
An ancient therapy combining pressure to specific marma (vital) points all over the body and yogic stretches of all joints. The massage manipulates healthy flow of energy through the body’s junctions and nadis (pathways and channels), and delivery is personalised according to your needs.
Pinda Sweda Hot Compress Massage
Therapeutic Ayurvedic herbal powders are crushed in a traditional pestle and mortar and tied into a muslin cloth which forms the medium for this treatment, known in India as a bolus. After warming, oil is applied to the body using the bolus and an Ayurvedic technique known as pummelling. Extremely nourishing, strengthening and rejuvenating, this treatment is great for sports enthusiasts as it addresses problems relating to weak joints and sore muscles.
Ayurveda Body Detox Scrub
A treatment that originated in India, this cleansing treatment uses specific ground Ayurvedic herbs which are vigorously rubbed over the body to help draw out impurities and reduce water retention. The natural ingredients also exfoliate, leaving lustre to the skin surface.
Requirements: Anatomy & Physiology and Swedish massage qualification